Use Story Streams

to Grow Your B2B Brand

As B2B marketers, our job is to create connections and build trust. We do this with compelling, thought-provoking content that provides real value to our customers. As you certainly know, this requires top shelf writing chops.

We still need a lot more than 
just good writing. The competition 
for attention is fierce: There are 
4.4 million blog posts published every single day.

We need to create something that stirs our customers’ emotions.

Something designed.

Something with motion and energy.

Maybe beautiful.

Maybe jarring.

Definitely exciting.




When should we use them?

Story Streams should 
used when you:
Want to plant a flag out on the horizon
Have something important to say and need to stir the pot
Are launching a new product 
or service
Are defining a new approach
Need a way to explain data or some other tricky concept

Of course, blog posts, eBooks, slide decks, infographics, videos and other content containers still have their place.

Storytelling is changing to meet your customers’ expectations. It’s on all of us to keep pace, to stay ahead of the trends, to lead and to make our audience say WOW.